SAYC Bridge Conventions
SAYC Bridge Conventions
Here are some of the conventions that should be played under normal
circumstances. Trying to put all we play in one place in a simple manner
Your profile should say:
- sh C,
- 4wy tx,
- u2NT,
- mich,
- Bergen,
- J2NT,
- 1430,
- 2d wait,
- Capp
Point Count
The point count needed for various levels of bidding are:
- Grand slam : 37
- Little slam : 33 (subtract Ace points)
- Game in minor :29 (subtract Ace points)
- Game in major :25 (subtract Ace points)
- Game in NT :26
- 2nt/3 level suit  :22
Opening Suit Bids
My recommendations are as follows: Honor (Quick) Tricks:
- AK=2,
- KQJ, AQ, AJ10: 1-1/2
- Kx, QJ=1/2
- Qx=+, AKQ=++ (becomes 2 1/2), ++=1/2
Opening Point Count (HCP)
Add Distribution Points OR add points for length beyond 4 in any suit
- 1 for all Aces
- 1 for doubleton
- 2 for singleton
- 3 for void
- OR for length, if 5 cards in a suit give 1 extra point, for 6 give 2 extra points
- 1 for no Ace
- 1 for unguarded singleton or doubleton honor K, Q, J or KQ or QJx.
Principle: Open when
- 13 HCP: but not necessarily a 5 carder
- 12 HCP: 5 carder, 2 1/2 HT
- 10-11 HCP: good 6 carder or 2 good 5 carders, 2+ HT
Rule of 20
This is an interesting rule to decide when to open. It says, that you count your HCP and add the two longest suits and if they add to 20 you can open. So if you open with 11 points, you should have a 5 carder suit and a 4 carder suit.
You should also have Honor Tricks. You can have 10 HCP and two 5 card suits
Short Club (5542)
We keep hearing about short Club and better minor.
When you have 3-3 in minors, bid 1
When you have 4-4 in minors, bid 1
What do we do with a 4-4-3-2 distribution.
In Better minor, you will bid 1
In Short C you will bid 1
You should alert Short Club even if you do not have a short Club.
Say "May be short" in the alert box. This also means
has to be 4 carder for you to bid 1
With longer suit, bid that suit first, with same length, higher suit first
The 5542 is a way to say you bid 5 card majors, 4 card
and 2 card 
If playing Short
- 2
: 6 - 9 HCP, 5 carder
- 2
: 6 - 9 HCP, 4 carder
In either better minor or short club:
- 2
: 6 - 9 HCP, 3 carder
- 2
: 6 - 9 HCP, 3 carder
4-way Transfer
This is preferred on 1nt/2nt calls.
1nt - response
- 2
: stayman. Bid your 4 carder major
- 2
: Transfer to 2
- 2
: Transfer to 2
- 2
: Transfer to 3
- 3
: Transfer to 3
- 2N: Invite to 3N with max
On a transfer if you have 17 points and 4 carder support u can super accept it by saying 3
or 3
If you use 3-way transfer with 2
to transfer to 3
or 3
, then if
is your
suit you have to correct it to 3
and partner does not know how many points
you have and will pass. With 4-way once transfer has happened to stronger
hand , you are still in control
Bidding at two level
Once partner has opened a bid..Say 1
or one
, and you are bidding in
response at two level. You must have 11+ points (10 in a pinch). For major
it is 5 carder and for minor can be 4 carder
A lot of confusion exists with it. The simplest way to put it is if you bid at one level and then bid a higher suit in the second level it is considered to be a reverse. This means you should have 16+ points
eg. S:A H:AKJ D: KJxx C: Kxxxx
- 1
- is considered a reverse. Since
is higher than 1
- 1
- is considered a reverse since
is higher than 1
Unusual 2nt
This shows two lower suits of the remaining three unbid suits. 5-5 distribution.
Notice that spades does not come up in the bidding. You can bid 1S and the then bid and repeat other side suit if need be.
The point count depends on the vul situation.
If same vul (both vul or non-vul) then u need to have matching points (opening hand 12 - 15).
If favorable vul u can be weak (10-11)
If non-favorable then u need to be 16+ (strong)
- 1
- 2NT = minors
- 1
- 2NT = minors
- 1
- 2NT =
- 1
- 2NT =
Michaels is a raise of the opps suits and shows 5-5 in two suits as below
- 1
- 2
= 5-5 majors
- 1
- 2
= 5-5 majors
- 1
- 2
and a minor. 2nt to ask which one
- 1
- 2
and a minor. 2nt to ask which one
On major bid by partner shows 4 card support for partner
- 1
- 3
= 4
and 7 - 9 pts (3
is depends on other values)
- 1
- 3
= 4
and 10-12 pts (Game force)
- 1
- 3
= 4
and 0 - 6 pts
- 1
- 3
= 4
and 7 - 9 pts (3
is depends on other values)
- 1
- 3
= 4
and 10-12 pts (Game force)
- 1
- 3
= 4
and 0 - 6 pts
Jacoby 2NT
J2NT is used on a major response only. Note: if 5-5 in H/S bid higher suit first
The questions to be asked for response are:
- Do I have a good 5 carder side suit?
- Do I have a singleton or void in a side suit?
- Do I have a minimum hand?
- Do I have a intermediate hand?
- Do I have a maximum hand?
- 2NT: 13+ HCP, 4+ card support
- 4
: 5 carder good suit (2 of 4 honors)
- 3
: void or singleton
- 4
: game. low points (12-14)
- 3NT: intermediate points (15-17)
- 3
: go slow (18+)
- 2NT: 13+ HCP, 4+ card support
- 4
: 5 carder good suit (2 of 4 honors)
- 3
: void or singleton
- 4
: game. low points (12-14)
- 3NT: intermediate points (15-17)
- 3
: go slow (18+)
: weak preempt by partner. 2NT asks to describe more (i need support and strong opening hand)
- 3
= weak hand weak suit
- 3
= weak hand good suit
- 3
= good hand weak suit
- 3
= good hand good suit
- 3NT: Suit headed with AKQxxx
This is used on 1NT and you have 5/4 in majors and game going hand
1NT - 2
(no major)
= 5
and 4 
= 5
and 4 
partner can chose between 5 card major or 3NT. Bid your 4 carder is easiest way to remember
Some play smolen at 3 level, so you will have to decide.
Also known as CAPP. When the opps open NT your responses are
- partner doubles (17 points)
- 2
= 10 - 16, any 6 carder 2
for which suit
- 2
= 5/5 in major
- 2
= 5 hts and a minor i can say: 2NT which minor
- 2
= 5
and a minor
- 2NT = 5/5 in minors
This is similar to CAPP. Disturb Over NT. when opp bid 1nt
- Double = 1 suit hand...if weak bid 2
and partner can pass with
- 2
and a higher ranking suit
- 2
and a major
- 2
= both majors
- 2
and may be weak
Inverted Minor
Normally 2 of minor means 6 - 9 points and 3 means 10-12.
Inverted minor is other way round.
On a minor bid, 2 of the minor is forcing with points 10-12.
3 of minor is weak and pre-emptive in nature.
Rules for Preempts:
- 2 of the 4 honors
- 6 for 2 level, 7 for 3 level
- 7 - 11 points
- Rule of 2 and 3: can go down 2 if vul and 3 if non-vul when doubled
Rule of 11
Leading 4th best in NT: Subtract from 11 the card that has been led. Thats the
number of cards higher than that led card which are outside. See what dummy
has and what u have and then u can guess what the op has
Law of Total Tricks
If opps call a suit and partner overcalls and you are non-vul and support for
partners suit then add the two suit lengths and go to that level directly
play 1430 or 0314
K of trumps if known is a key card. You bid 1430/2-Q/2+Q.
When you bid 4nt is is key card asking. You include all 4 aces and K of trumps if known in the response
- 5
: 1 or 4 keycards
- 5
: 0 or 3 keycards
- 5
: 2 key cards and missing the Q of trumps
- 5
: 2 key cards and having the Q of trumps
The Kings are bid 04/1/2/3 simple blackwood but we do not count the K of trumps again if it has been counted before
shows 22+
- 2
: 0 - 7 or 8+ unbalanced (4-4-4-1)
- 2
: 8+ and 5 carder
- 2N: 8+ balanced
Types of Doubles
Take out Double
You need a pattern of two different kinds
12-15 points, Minimum of 3 card support in all other suits, optionally short in ops suit OR
16+ HCP and any distribution
0-8 points bid cheapest 4 card suit
8-10 points and stopper in opps suit bid 1 NT
with 9 points jump bid
11+ points cue bid opps suit.
Partner opens NT and the opps throw in an interfering bid.
If that was the bid you were going to say for your staymen or transfer bid,
DOUBLE. That means opps "stole my bid" and your partner will either bid
his/her major for staymen or accept the transfer.
This will allow the big hand to remain hidden.
- 1NT - 2
- X (he stole my staymen bid) Partner will bid his 4 card major.
- 1NT - 2
- X (he stole my transfer bid for 2
) Partner must say 2
- 1NT - 2
- X (he stole my transfer bid for 2
) Partner must say 2
- 1NT - 2
- X (he stole my transfer bid for 3
) Partner must say 3
- 1NT - 3
- X (he stole my transfer bid for 3
) Partner must say 3
If not playing Leb, Audrey Grant advises systems on over a X or 2
(X here is stayman). Over any other bid she recommends natural,
with a cue bid being stayman.
Balancing Double
Minimum of 9-10 HCP"S
bidding goes as follows:
opps-1 spade; my partner passes; opps partner passes; I then double.
Negative double
One suiter hand
6 point rule applies
example: ptnr opens 1 club, opps bid one heart, responder X's-meaning hand contains 4 spades.
If responder bids 1 spades the hand contains 5 spades.
Two suiter hand
Example: Opps-1 diamond;partner-pass;opps responder 1 heart; I then X. I hold 4+ in suits not mentioned and can support either suit.
10 point rule applies. Remember ops also have atleast 18 HCP
Standard carding is when you play a high card on a card to show interest in
that suit so partner can lead that suit again
UDCA: Upside Down Count Attitude is the other way.
Low card shows interest and high card discourages.
Discards come in two flavors.